Sunday, September 5, 2010

by Angalete Dye

AM Food…is Served! Simply told…Simply inspiring…

Make hope, joy, and encouragement a constant part of your life. Take a step into a beautiful future, and have more serenity and much less stress.

We can all use a little motivation and inspiration to help us navigate the small and large hurdles we encounter daily on our journey of life. Think of it as an early-morning double latté for your spirit.

AM Food…is Served! is guaranteed to perk up even the most depressed spirit.

It might just change your life (if you let it), but no matter what, it will certainly brighten your day.

About the Author

Angalete Dye was born in Oakland, California. She graduated from Will C. Wood High School in Vacaville, CA, with a four-year, full-ride athletic scholarship to play women’s basketball for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Enduring countless “jobs,” she earned the title “Jack of All Trades.” She has a deep love for music, poetry, and being creative.

She landed her first publication and earned the title of becoming an author with coauthoring the book Everyday Grace, Everyday Miracle. Her top priority in life is being a dedicated hands-on mother to three beautiful daughters: Ari’ana, Sali’yah, and Lai’la. She is an advocate of living, loving, and laughing throughout this journey we call life while being extraordinary.

Order your book now! $23 or ebooks on Adobe Acrobat $18 also Now available on

GET INSPIRED!!!!!!!!!!