The New Bug called 'Obsessive Sale Shopping Disorder'

Sunday, June 26, 2011
A good friend of mine was in town from Pune. We planned catch up at the Select City Mall almost after a year! I left office early at 4, took the metro and reached the destination on time. She was already there waiting, we were thrilled meet after so long. While we were chatting and walking around the mall, both of us got our eyes stuck on the 'SALE posters on 'Mango'. We walked into the store as if that was the coffee shop we had always planned to go to. After hunting through the heaps of clothes and not really finding anything, both of us realized that we had actually met to chat and catch up and not shop! And having met after a while it was a better idea to bond with each other at a restaurant rather than a crowded store!

'Sale' is actually the sign most of us can't resist these days! Shops get crowded as if they were selling things for free and not just discounted prices! Remember the '2 hr 50% sale by Benetton', The AC does not seem to be cooling any longer because of the number of people, the billing line gets out of the store. What had shocked me even more was the looooong line of customers outside the 'Ed Hardy' store during sale. Believe me or not, they had bouncers to control the crowd! And there was a 'Waiting' before they would let you in. I wish I had taken some photographs.

Jack n Jones and Vera Moda Sale
And yesterday was a similar repeat when Jack n Jones and Vera Moda were on 60% sale. I knew it was next to impossible to actually be able to find some thing in such a crowded shop but I wanted to atleast check out if the line was longer from the last time or not :) For a change I had no intention to buy anything. And yes there was a line before you could get in. I reached the place at 9, so the 'waiting' was not too long, just around 5 min. But I heard that people had lined up outside even before the store opened at 9am. They had a lot of huge security guys/ crowd managers all equipped with walkie-talkies. Here are some images, but again since it was post 9pm, the length of the line was nowhere close to the crazy Ed Hardy sale.

When I managed to get in, all I saw were heaps of clothes lying on tables all around and people desperately trying to find something useful amongst them, a few pulling the two sleeves of the same top! The clothes didn't even look like they were new! 'Heaps' is the accepted form of display of items during sale these days, which is okay for street shopping but very un-appealing for high-end clothing. And there were so many guys in black with walkie-talkies that I felt I was probably at the US  President's office and not a shop!! Nevertheless people did manage pick their heaps from amongst those heaps! Lucky them. But I felt rather agoraphobic and moved out in 5 min!

SALE is a word that instantly attracts consumers and the marketing agents using it to their best benefit! The word almost drags you into the store. But are clothes truly sold at a discounted price in the name of sale? I have myself seen Reebok hiking their price and put a 50% off tag during sale. And I would assume Reebok is not the only one. Most of the times the stock is pretty old and no-one really know the original price. Whatever it is, we the consumers definitely go ballistic the moment we see the SALE sign! That is why I think this is the latest new-age lifestyle disorder: 'Obsessive Sale Shopping Disorder'!! Are you affected too?

Oh by the way, did any of you manage to get something at the Jack n Jones sale yesterday? Do share! I would love to know..