The Death of Human Torch

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Marvel's first Family lost Johnny Storm, also known as the Human Torch. In Fantastic Four #587, part of the tragic saga:"Three". Johnny Storm sacrificed himself so that his niece and nephew as well as his best friend, The Thing, could escape the Negative Zone.
The Human Torch is one of Marvel’s most popular and recognizable heroes and I'm sure this news shocked the comic readers, like Me. Chris Evans plays Johnny in the film versions of Fantastic Four, and I will now expect for a part 3 dedicated to the Human Torch's heroic death.
While The Human Torch may be gone, the journeys of Marvel’s First Family march ever forward as Marvel announced.
This is not an ending.” as they also added.
Are you sad about this Marvel readers?! I am, So In Memory of the ever playful and cool Torch, He will be Our Banner Model for the week. :(

Chris Evans as The Human Torch

How the "Torch" Dies...

Photos from