Why I got tempted to write this blog..

Monday, January 31, 2011
Looking good makes us feel good. And we all want to feel good.
  Sporting the latest in fashion makes us look good. And we all want to look good.

But where do we go to get the latest in fashion? We have been blogging since 2007. But when I wanted to read about the kind of stuff that are available in this sale season, I could not find much. And so I thought, why not write about what I feel and also hear what the others have to say.

Everyone loves shopping, and so do I. I just had my year end appraisal and got to know about my bonus, and I was certainly not happy. What did I do about it? Argue with my boss?? No, that was not even an option. So, I simply got off at the Select City Mall at Saket while on my way back from office and bought some nice clothes from Van Heusen Women.. Yes I spent a part of my already shrunk bonus, but I still felt good! I just acquired something new to add to my ever expanding wardrobe!! I know we have all been cured by the retail therapy at some point of time.

With the desire to shop comes the ability to afford it and the art of choosing. So through this blog I want to help people make an affordable choice! I will write what I feel about the latest in the popular brands: office and casual for both men and women. (I may start writing about children's wear a few years later :)).

Disclaimer: I will not write this blog as if I am writing a business proposal to my VP. I will be spontaeneous and honest and not meaure every sentence that I write. If you do not agree with me, please let me know, we can argue about it. And, if you like what I write, please let me know most definitely!!

** Picture from Google Images