Me amidst impressive scenery

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Well, the silly season is over now which is why it's time for me to pick myself up and get into writing again. It's been ages since my last post I know, but to my shame I have to admit that I just couldn't be bothered. Anyway.. there's much to tell since my last entry, but I do not wanna run riot, so first things first.

#1 It's almost a month now that we returned from our holidays on Corfu. We booked a family managed hotel at Corfu's east coast. Although I was seriously ill the first week - Summer flu really wracked me - we tried to make the best out of it. The first days I avoided swimming and we made some city tours. We just had plenty of time to participate in cultural activites which wasn't bad at all. Corfu really has much to go for. The city we lived in was occupied by feting Italians - they drank like fishs and smoked like chimneys. But they didn't rained on our parade, so who cares. After one week, I got well and we really enjoyed the last few days to the full. All in all, our holidays were totally amazing!!

#2 Next thing to report about: My internship. Since mid-August I intern at a German newspaper, called "Bonner General-Anzeiger". It's the second of (I think) five obligatory internships I have to pass to get my graduation certificate at Kölner Journalisteschule. Compared to my first one it's quite laid-back, I got pretty little to do. Most of the time I'm just chilling out and sittle back, quite nice, conisdering the fact that I get an adequate payment for my sweet idleness. Last friday, I had an appointment with the gorverning mayor of Siegburg: He inaugurated a playground for children. Nothing extraordinary. Anyway I have to report about it - nothing doing. But maybe I can acquire a taste for this "small town journalism".

My editorial office amidst city hall and town museum.

#3 This weekend (surprise, surprise) I went shopping. Although my closet bursts at the seams, I have nothing to wear (and that's not exaggerated). Many of my clothes are outworn, don't fit anymore or don't correspond my style anymore. So, time for shopping frency again. Although I've been shopping on weekdays (due to the fact that I just had nothing to do in my editoral office), I rejoice in going shopping. My next post will probably be about my personal shopping insider tip's here in Cologne. Don't miss it :)