Trend Observer: Oversized sweaters

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Every year it's the same procedure: When summer turns to fall I rearrange my wardrobe realizing that I have nothing to wear in bad weather. As a matter of routine, I rummage through all fashion magazines in order to spot the new seasonal trends. Yestermorning, I got hold of MATCHES new mag which inspired me to do a post about the upcoming trends. The UK fashion editors pictured a chart of color range with the autumnal colors this year, a spectrum from amber, over scarlet, to aquamarine - colors I can chum up with but nothing surprising. So I cased the joint and went to Zara, H&M and Co. which are full to bursting with the new trends: floppy hats, colorful cropped pants, wide sweaters and transparent blouses. Hence, I subsume the upcoming must-haves in my following posts. Trend 1: Oversized sweaters.

Do you remember the feeling slipping into daddy's or your boyfriend's comfy and way too wide sweater on snowy winter evenings? A bagginess look, which is picked up this autumn by many designers. But as you want to look stylish and not down-and-out, there are some rules to observe:

001. As you do not want to look like your granny, you can wear off-the-shoulder sweaters or sequined micro-minis.

002. Don't store your black leggings yet 'cause black is black. The slim fit contrasts well with a wide sweater, so you cut a good figure. Use some super-high booties and the look ist just perfect.

003. Use them to cover the crotch on your extra flattering jeans if you need some coverage.

004. Oversized sweaters look stunning in combination with some pick-a-boo shorts (leather, lace or whatever) - just add a dash of wickedness.

In the follwing, I tried to portray my rules so you can visualize them. (001 to 004)

So, now it's your turn: What's your opinion about oversized sweaters? And how would you style them, got any ideas?