Preen equals a Change of heart

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To tell the truth, I abominate falderal, draperies and quillings. All the bells and whistles are just nothing for me, much to girly and just needless decoration to prescind from the acutal cut. But Preen by Thornton Bregazzi brought me around this year. The duo graduated from Winchester school of art and began working as freelance designer. In A/W 1996 they launched their first collection which cleared the way for their individual look - cool and desirable with an injection of raw rock'n'roll.

The main inspiration for the collection came from the work of author Virginia Woolf. "We were looking at colors and the elements of colors and talking about florals and how to do floral in a new way, and we're reading Virginia Woolf and it's all about time traveling and changing genders," explains Bregazzi. "So it all somehow came together."

These adopted innovations are foremost reflected in Thorton Bregazzis pixelated-looking pastels with citrus tones and feminine details. The hairdo is worth mentioning as well as it perfeclty emphasizes the look. The whole collection pretty reminds me of the glory 60s - ruffled necklines and hems, white lace and nipped waists tell a thing or two about it. Altogehter, I admire Preens handiwork, although I acutally don't like these maiden looks.