My Blog Awards..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Initially when I saw bloggers getting awards, I kept thinking, when would I get one!! And guess what, when I actually got one, I was so excited about it that I did not write about it for 2 months!! So a big sorry and a bigger thank you to Glamorous Barbie for the Sunshine Award! I know I am a little late in acknowledging this but better late than never :)

And..I got another award today..The Butterfly Award from  TickleMePurple05. Thank you so much, and I am very punctual this time :)

Since the rules of both the awards are more or less the same, I am clubbing them together :)

1) Thank the person who gave you this award and link back to them in your post.
2) Tell us 7 random things about yourself.
3) Nominate 10 bloggers (Butterfly said 15 though).
4) Contact these bloggers and let them know they have received this award.
5) This is for Butterfly only - Answer the questions given below..

7 Random Things about Myself
  1. I am a movie buff, can watch almost any movie and can cry during the slightest sentimental scenes. However, I watch horror movies with my eyes closed :), can't bear the usually I hold a cushion and peep from the side :)
  2. I am married to my classmate from class VI. We used to be competitors for the first position in class. (I mostly won :)).
  3. I loveee photography. I am not a pro but I wish someday, someone contacts me for one of my photographs for his/ her magazine :)..Is 'someone' reading..
  4. Although I claim to blog about make up (amongst other things), I actually wear very little make-up myself.
  5. I used to be very non-fussy and unfashionable as a kid, wore my school shoes even while going out and kept a boy cut till class IX.
  6. Between beaches and mountains, I will any day go for beaches. Yes, they tan you but I love water!!
  7. I am very talkative. Whenever I call my friends, it's me who does most of the talking..I always have loads to share.. 

Name your favorite color – Different for different moods..
Name your favorite song – Everything I do..
Name your favorite dessert – Chocolate Souffle
What is pissing you off? – My break getting over :(
When you’re upset, you? – Cry..or stay absolutely quiet.
Your favorite pet – Not a pet person
Black or White? – Black
Your biggest fear? – 
My best feature is – People eyes :)
Everyday attitude – Live and let live..
What is perfection – Giving your best!
Guilty pleasure – I love chocolates but they don't really make me feel guilty

Now for my nominations.. Well 10+15 = 25 nominations is a little tough..I will go for 8+8. Here they are, congratulations!!! They are not only my favorite bloggers but also have provided great support and encouragement to my blog. So a big 'Thank You' to all of you..

Sunshine Award

Butterfly Award