Featured CoverGirl Beyonce For Billboard Magazine

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"No One can define Me".
This is what Beyonce told Billboard Magazine about her upcoming album "4". Bey is so back with her new single "Run The World (Girls)". The song is already available in digital download plus Bey gave us a new and extended teaser for the song's music video. Bey also told Billboard magazine that the new album was inspired by her tour around the world. She used her Live performance tone throughout the album because she noticed that it is different from her recording voice. Watch Beyonce...I Am World Tour DVD to learn what Bey is talking about. Her cover for Billboard Magazine is saying that Beyonce is Fierce and Ready to run the world!

The extended teaser for Beyonce's "Run The World (Girls)" Single.

photo credits to Billboard Magazine.
Video upload & screengrab credits to YouTube: Vevo.