Un soplo de frescura de "Aire Molino"

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thanks to Britta, I discovered a new Argentine fashion label called "Aire Molino". It's founded by my friend's exchange student Magali Nuñez and the photographer Andrea Alegre, both are living in Mar del Plata, Argentina. At Córdoba College of Architecture and Design, Magali is studying "diseño de indumentaria, which means fashion design - and I really like the outcome. Model Elizabeth Ball is doing a great job and she looks georgeous in Magali's designs. By the way: The photos are taken in a Argentine coffee bar called "The Archivo" in Mar del Plata - a brilliant ambience to get nice shots: Excelentes fotografias, me gustan todas!!

Do you like Magali's designs as much as I do?