The Fashion Icon at Times Square Who Scandalized Me!

Monday, April 4, 2011
So this was my first trip abroad, about half a decade back. I was loving every moment of my stay in NY. I also learnt a few things that kind of took me by surprise, for example Revlon and  L'Oreal were 'drugstore' brands! First of all I wondered, why should a drugstore really sell lipstick and eye shadows, and secondly why should they sell the brands that I thought were premium!

I know I would also have some American friends reading this (hopefully) and they would be wondering 'What the hell is she talking about!', but here is the disclaimer
  • This was around 5 years back when I was naive and unfashionably ignorant about make-up.
  • Secondly, MAC was not really that popular in India back then. Most of us grew seeing our mom wearing 'Lakme' and for me Revlon and L'Oreal were the 'Premium' brands. 

Of course things are different now and I am sure MAC earns a substantial revenue from the Indian make-up fans. But here is something that I saw at Times Square that would probably surprise me a bit even today!

Here was a fashion icon dressed in a cowboy hat, skirt and boots (only).
She was probably a big patriot and wore the 'Stars' at critical places!
She was very entertaining with her attire as well as her music, and if you liked her you had to TIP HER IN HER BOOTS!

What do you think?